Bella Raiane | forró concert & party
October 29, 2022 at 8:30 PM
- woj. MałopolskieKlub Strefa, ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 19
Bella Raiane is an accordionist, singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and teacher. Born in Cajazeiras, in the interior of Paraíba, she took her first steps in music as a child under the influence of her father, a zabumbeiro and tambourine player. Arriving in João Pessoa, she participated in the PRIMA social project as a violinist, starting her professional career in the Fulô Mimosa group, Orquestra de Violões da Paraíba and later in the Orquestra Sanfônica Balaio Nordeste. She performed daily at Praia do Jacaré for two years, in one of the most disputed tourist events in the capital of Paraíba aboard a catamaran. Graduated in music with a degree in accordion from the Federal University of Paraíba, she had the opportunity to play with great artists such as Genival Lacerda, Mestrinho, Baby Kramer, Santanna o Cantador, Elba Ramalho, Lucy Alves, Solange Almeida. In 2021 she recorded her first CD, titled Forró na Paraíba. She participated in the Só Elas program of Rede Globo Nordeste and was part of Michel Teló's Team in the program The voice Brasil (2021) of Rede Globo. In 2022, she performed with her band at Festival Fibra (Festival Instrumental Brasil) and participated in the shows of Bebê Kramer and Mestrinho. She recently released two singles by the Digital Balaio Music / The Orchard / Sony Music label.
On stage with Raiane: Junior Arto, Leo Mattos
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